When you start out as a self-employed person, you will probably wonder what insurance you need. For instance, you may wonder whether you need professional and/or business liability insurance. Another common insurance is company car insurance.
Compulsory insurance for self-employed people?
There are currently few compulsory insurances, but it is still wise to take out certain insurances. Basically, there are two compulsory insurances: health insurance (compulsory for everyone living or working in the Netherlands) and at least third-party insurance (if you have a business car). However, your client may require you to be insured for certain things.
Liability insurance for self-employed people
The most important insurances for ZZP'ers are liability insurances (professional and business liability insurance). Liability insurance is for damage(s) to people and/or other people's belongings.
If you work with your hands, for example, in healthcare or construction, you usually need a business liability insurance. This insurance usually covers damage(s) to belongings and personal injury. Professions where there is no immediate risk of property damage also need business liability insurance. Often if you need professional liability insurance, it is wise to also take out business liability insurance.
Professional indemnity insurance for self-employed people
Professional liability insurance covers financial loss(es). Consider, for example, an accountant who submits a tax return incorrectly due to a typing error.
In addition to professional and corporate liability insurance, there is also legal expenses insurance. Legal expenses insurance covers disputes that may arise with a client and/or principal.
Finally, there is also disability insurance (AOV).Most self-employed people prefer not to think about this, but it can still happen that you, as a self-employed person, become unfit for work.With an AOV, you retain income during illness, if you become disabled or suffer an accident. Without this insurance, you are financially responsible for the consequences yourself.